Sharif Abu-Hamdeh and Harrison David Rivers, photo by Heidi Bohnenkamp
9 years 3 months ago

An important aspect of the Jerome Many Voices program at the Playwrights’ Center is the idea of outreach not only to theaters in Minneapolis, but also nationally. Recently the Center took Many Voices Fellows Sharif Abu-Hamdeh and 

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by Jessica Franken
9 years 3 months ago

On March 11, we hosted a Member Stage Reading doubleheader when Randolph College student Grace Gardiner and professor Gary Dop traveled to the Playwrights’ Center for

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Josh Wilder
9 years 3 months ago

Jerome Fellow Josh Wilder is at the Playwrights’ Center this week, workshopping Superstar with director Randy Reyes, dramaturg Christina Ham, and actors Theo Langason, H

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9 years 4 months ago

Jerome Fellow Deborah Yarchun is at the Playwrights’ Center this week, workshopping her play Tectonic Mélange with director Jeremy B. Cohen and actors Michelle Barber, J.C. Cutler,

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9 years 4 months ago

Many Voices Mentee Max Delgado is at the Playwrights’ Center tonight for a reading of his play We Look Up and See Our Galaxy. The public

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9 years 4 months ago

The Playwrights’ Center’s 2014-15 Ruth Easton New Play Series concludes April 6 and 7 with Romeo & Naomi Ramirez by Core Writer Kathryn Walat

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9 years 4 months ago

Jerome Fellow Kate Tarker is at the Playwrights’ Center this week, workshopping her play Laura and the Sea with director Hayley Finn and actors Shanan Custer, Terry Hempleman, Tracey Maloney, Randy Reyes, Charlotte Calvert, and Chase Burns. 

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Josh Wilder in THE REALNESS by Idris Goodwin
9 years 4 months ago

Thanks to everyone who attended a reading of Idris Goodwin’s The REALNESS: the second break beat play. You were fantastic audiences! A few rehearsal photos are below; you can

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