Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., West Virginia

Black Stories Black Voices Monologue Competition

Submission Guidelines

  • Playwright must be Black.
  • Monologues must be set in Appalachia. (See link for list of qualifying states/counties as defined by the Appalachian Regional Commission)
  • Monologues must be 5-7 minutes in length (190 words = 1 minute).
  • Monologues must be unpublished and not have had a professional production.

Apply to be a Resident Company

The Key Resident Company program is a reparative grant and partnership offered to a nascent company that centers Black, brown and queer artists and leadership. The company will function as an autonomous company and will receive:

Open Call for Production Comission

We are seeking experimental art that finds itself somewhere in the intersections of Black, brown, and queer identity and led by artists who identify with those intersections. We believe in projects that cross/blend/subvert genres and disciplines; and are looking for compelling art that requires virtuosity and is participatory/active for audiences in some way. We are looking for projects that are ready to have a New York City premiere and companies that are ready to capitalize on a residency at The Flea to bring artists and audiences together in community.


Now accepting applications for Lighthouse Works Fellowship

Fellows enjoy a private bedroom and share a kitchen, bathrooms, and living space in a 3-story Victorian house. All dietary needs are accommodated, and on most nights, Lighthouse Works staff cook for and eat dinner with the fellows. Studios are located about 1.5 miles/a 30 minute walk from the fellowship house.

The studio building, “The Annex,” is adjacent to Silver Eel Cove, where the ferry arrives and departs the island. Studios are private, flooded with light, and face the ocean. Additionally, Lighthouse Works maintains a wood and metal fabrication shop, and a kiln.

Theater J Script Submissions


Theater J accepts unsolicited script submissions that celebrate, wrestle with, or explore issues of Jewish religion, history, and culture in the following categories only:


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