Lizz Cruz Petersen
Affiliated Writer
Scottsdale, AZ

Lizz Cruz Petersen’s plays include Dreaming with el Coquí, The Night Before, Dreaming of Oz, and the screenplay Broken Silence. Her work has been developed or produced by Teatro de la Esperanza, Teatro del Pueblo, Pangea World Theater, the Playwrights’ Center, and Teatro Latino de Minnesota. Her writing credits also include La verdad no duele, a video produced by KTCI/KTCA. Awards include Intermedia Arts Mentor, the Playwrights’ Center Many Voices Fellowship, and a Minnesota State Arts Board Career Opportunity Grant. Lizz holds a M.A. and a Ph.D. in Comparative Studies with a dual concentration in 17th Century Spanish Theater and Performance Studies. Lizz is a member of the Dramatist Guild of America. She lives in Florida.