Marvin González De León
Philadelphia, PA

Marvin González De León is a first-generation Mexican-American who writes plays that incorporate a myriad of genres—from sci fi to horror—anchored in the traditions of Latin American literature. His work has been produced and developed at Teatro Bravo, Arizona State University, Texas State University, Teatro del Pueblo, Round House Theatre, Page 73 Productions, The Playwrights Realm, and the Playwrights’ Center. He is the recipient of the 2022 Page 73 Playwriting Fellowship. He is also a Core Writer at the Playwrights’ Center, where he was previously awarded the Jerome Fellowship, the McKnight Fellowship in Playwriting, and the Many Voices Fellowship. He was a member of the 2020/2021 Interstate 73 Writers Group at Page 73 Productions and was a 2020-2021 Virtual Realm Mentee with The Playwrights Realm. His plays include “Pan Genesis” (2019 Playwrights’ Center PlayLabs; Semi-Finalist Page 73 Fellowship), “Pa’ Fuera Pa’ Fuera Pa’ Fuera” (Finalist Page 73 Fellowship; Finalist Playwrights Realm Fellowship), and “Madre de Dios” (2022 National Capital New Play Festival, 2020 Page 73 Virtual Residency). González De León received his MFA in Dramatic Writing in 2017 at Arizona State University. He currently teaches playwriting at the Playwrights' Center/Augsburg University.

Instagram @born_this_guey

Agent Information

Skyler Gray
The Gersh Agency
41 Madison Avenue, 29th Floor
New York, NY 10010


MARVIN GONZÁLEZ DE LEÓN announced as a Semifinalist for 2021 Page 73 Playwriting Fellowship. Full announcement here.