Steven Shapiro
Cary, NC
Latest work, Lost in the Blue Moon's Shadow. A play about loss and denial.

Steven A, Shapiro is a former Corporate Executive, author and lecturer by profession and playwright by avocation. His nine plays have spanned 13 years and have been performed by universities, local and regional theatres throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and India. Three plays have been published in the United Kingdom and the United States. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Psychology from Richmond College of the City University of New York.  He is a member of the Dramatist Guild of America and The Playwrights Center.



by Steven A. Shapiro

A successful surgeon confronting his son's suicide, seeks out the last clue, from Jane, an odd enigmatic woman. Confronted by a form of interaction, she provides unorthodox and surprising insights, to help Dr. Keller accept some difficult answers.

Dr. Keller - A man in his 50's Jane - A woman in her 30's
by Steven A. Shapiro

Two couples meet for drinks on the evening of a blue moon. On the surface, we see four successful business and creative archetypes. By the “shank of the evening,” scabs are scratched raw, and what begins to unfold are the outward signs of troubled relationships. Additional stressors are brought to the fore in the form of bickering, passive-aggressive behaviors, and substantial denial. The fuse that lights the depth of pain comes in the form of Callista and Richard’s daughter Andie. She is angry and frustrated with a mother who is obtuse and will never accept her life choices. This is not a story about mother-daughter reconciliation - it will never happen. For Andie is also very dead

by Steven A. Shapiro

Morty and Sandy are joggers who come upon each other in a park. Both carry scars from life altering experiences - for each decided to take the metaphorical short cut one evening with catastrophic consequences. It is only through Morty's kindness is he able to effect a change in the way Sandy perceives people, and ultimately accepts her physical disfigurement. And through Sandy's ;understanding, is Morty able to begin to forgive himself for a devastating and tragic mistake.

Morty - An overweight man in his 40's Sandy - An athletic woman in her 30's
by Steven A. Shapiro

Young business executive David Brown, III finds his life in shambles after his wife files for divorce. Consumed by self-pity and withdrawn from life, David has removed all photographs and vestiges of his previous life with his wife. All that changes the night David is confronted by Angela, a new office cleaning service. She is earthy, crude, confrontational – and seemingly determined to bring about a metaphorical (and perhaps metaphysical) jolt to David’s morose and self-destructive existence. It is only through Angela’s unconventional wisdom and mystical demeanor does David begin to question why she has come, what she wants and ultimately who she is.

DAVID. (30’s) ANGELA (30’s)


When The Cherry Blossoms Bloom has been widely produced in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It is published with Lazy Bee Scripts, South Hampton, United Kingdom.

Coming Clean has been widely produced throughout the United States. It was a Finalist in The Strawberry Short Play Festival in New York City. It is currently being developed by the Phoenix World Theatre, Kochi India, for production in the later part of 2023.

The Tensile Strength of String has been produced throughout the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

The Waiting Room was recently produced by the Phoenix World Theatre, Kochi India and "zoomed" throughout the world.

Beyond The White Noise Was published by Lazy Bee Script, London England.  It was subsequently licensed and produced in the UK, France, India, and the United States.