A photo of the playwright Drew Paryzer
Drew Paryzer
Affiliated Writer
Los Angeles, CA

Drew Paryzer (puh-RYE-zurr) is a playwright and interactive storyteller. His work has been developed or presented at the Roundabout Theatre, The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Fusebox Festival, Tofte Lake Center, The Museum of Human Achievement, and the Playwrights' Center.

His plays include Loverboy (UT New Theater 2018), Al-Halqa (is that how it’s pronounced) (New Harmony Project finalist), Swallow the Reader, and Alter (Kennedy Center MFA Playwrights’ Workshop). His work as an interactive storyteller includes FinalCon (Austin Critics Table Award nomination), Superfluxus with Seth Bockley (Pivot Arts Festival 2020), the virtual reality/theater piece A Very Narrow Bridge (Tofte Lake Center Residency), the climate-change-inspired escape room Resilience Sentry (UT Austin), and Intro to Being Here (Cohen New Works Festival 2017).

Drew holds a BA from Sarah Lawrence College, where he received the Lipkin Prize, and an MFA in Playwriting from The University of Texas at Austin, where he was a James A. Michener Fellow. He is a National New Play Network Affiliated Artist, as well as an Affiliated Writer with the Playwrights’ Center. Drew served as a Narrative Lead at Meow Wolf from 2018-20, and was most recently an Immersive Storytelling Resident at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts' Media + Emerging Technology Lab.