Ryan Armstrong
Denver, CO
I am an internationally produced and published playwright.


Putting on a play (the "Scottish play") with an actor that may be out of their element.

Mr. M Director Seyton

A medium-sized newspaper staff struggling to find stories for the following day, but then having to face the harsh reality of what may be looming over all of them. As ridiculous as the stories may seem, the Canadian ground paper tariffs strangle the newspaper until they must do the worst to survive: fire two of their own.

by Ryan Armstrong

The future. Moments before World War IV but after the collapse of technology and order. As the Mexi-American army prepares to defend their bunker against an invading army of Canadians, it is a hard time to find any sense of intelligence. But, all’s well that ends well. Maybe a marriage. Maybe a funeral. Maybe a Deus ex machina. Who knows in this post-apocalyptic dark comedy.

Contact: https://www.hitplays.com/default.aspx?pg=sd&st=AL+WAS+RIGHT

by Ryan Armstrong

Two people with different views on life and the weather meet at a bus stop in the rain.

by Ryan Armstrong

Explaining love, and otherwise, to a child, who may be holding back all they may know.
