Rob Munden
Larned, KS


by Rob Munden

A divorced couple that do not get along are often interrupted during their conflicts by a retired neighbor that has an imaginary invisible flying dog. This comedy, through the use of a fun invisible flying canine, will help remind the couple that you are never to old to laugh and play and a little imagination can only spice up an otherwise serious world.

BRETT - Hardware Store Supervisor & Military Veteran in his mid- thirties to late-forties, divorced from Liz LIZ - Divorced from Brett, mid-thirties to late forties girlfriend of a much older Dr. Frank Rickert JAMISON - 9th Grade son of Brett and Liz that really doesn’t want to go to school STELLA - Retired waitress in her late sixties/early seventies that has an imaginary pet dog named Jackson that flies. DR. FRANK RICKERT – Veterinarian in his late sixties/early seventies and boyfriend to a much younger Liz MYRA – 9th grade granddaughter to Dr. Frank Rickert