Kitty Megarry
St. Paul, MN
Songwriter and writer of musical theater.




K.G. Megarry has been part of the Twin Cities theatre and music scene since the 1980s. She has participated in acting, writing, singing and songwriting at numerous venues in Minneapolis and St. Paul. She completed a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts from the University of Minnesota and also studied acting privately and at area theaters. Her involvement in theater led to professional work in voice-overs, ticketing, house managing and lighting. She participated in the beginnings of the Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis as an actor and a writer. Published writing include the story for the fantasy board game, Pentantastar, theater reviews and press releases. She has sung, written songs, played and recorded music with the rock band, Some Girls, the Nokomis Jazz Workshop and the Minnesota Association of Songwriters, and haunted open mic stages around the cities. The opportunity to join ASCAP arose in 1998 when her song, “Nothing For Me Here” received radio airplay. “O Them Cats” was a winner in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest in the children’s category. Mouse of the North is her first musical. Other artistic endeavors include drawing and painting. When not pursuing creativity, she has been trained and serves as a reading tutor for students with dyslexia, and also was a licensed aircraft mechanic. She lives in St. Paul.


Mouse of the North is about friendship and the longing for home. 'Smudge' discovers that love and hope are constants in a world where everything else changes-- and often goes wrong. All the characters are wildlife.
