Benjamin Fulk
Indianapolis, IN
Benjamin is a playwright and writer living in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Benjamin is a playwright who studied theater, with an emphasis in Playwriting and Directing at Indiana State University. His first play, PARTICULAR DISPOSITION, had been a work in progress for seven years before being finished and winning the 2018 playwriting award at the Austin Film Festival and Writers Conference. Currently, Benjamin splits his time between Indianapolis, Indiana and various destinations around the world.


by Benjamin Fulk

On Friday, the twenty-seventh of November 1835, James Pratt and John Smith became the last two men in England to be executed for sodomy. The play follows their story - from meeting each other to their last moments together in Newgate Prison - through the eyes of their mutual friend and cause of their conviction and death, William Bonill.

4 Men, 2 Women



  • Winner of the 2018 Playwriting Competition at the Austin Film Festival and Writers Conference
  • Featured on the podcast 21st Century Rewrite (