Aravind Enrique Adyanthaya
he, him, él
Affiliated Writer
Lajas, PR

Aravind Enrique Adyanthaya is a Puerto Rican experimenter, writer, and stage director. In the U.S., his work has been presented and/or developed by Red Eye Collaboration, The Guthrie Theatre, The Children’s Theatre Company, Intermedia Arts, Teatro del Pueblo, Pangea World Theatre, HERE, Terranova Collective at P.S.122, LA TEA, The Loisaida Center, Theatre for the New City, New York Theatre Workshop, The Weisman Art Museum, and The Public Theatre. He has been recipient of Pregones’ Theatre Asunción Prize, the International Casa del Teatro Theatre Award (Dominican Republic), the Puerto Rico Institute of Culture's National Playwriting Award, Jerome and McKnight Fellowships from the Playwrights' Center, and a Joyce commission. His works have traveled to: Barcelona, La Habana, Lima, Amsterdam, Santo Domingo, Essex (U.K.), and Morelia (Mexico). He directs Casa Cruz de la Luna, a multidisciplinary project with a double base in San Germán, Puerto Rico and New York City. Current investigations center on the notion of multitasking spectatorship, the creation of trans-narrative flows (physically moving through books, bodies and memory-laden locations) and the integration of written language technologies to the mise-en-scène. Aravind holds a Ph.D. in theatre historiography from the University of Minnesota’s Department of Theatre Arts and Dance and an M.D. from Mayo Medical School. 

In 2024, he will participate in a writer´s residence at Yaddo (Saratoga Springs, New York) and a performance multimedia project exploring ruins in San Germán, Puerto Rico as part of Beta Local´s Máquina Simple Fellowship sponsored by the Andy Warhol Foundation. He is currently developing his piece "Unbounding [sic] Prometheus" dealing with performance, technology and disability. The project began on December 2023 as part of an artistic residency at CultureHub, NYC.



by Aravind Enrique Adyanthaya
In video, actors from the 2009 original Spanish language Casa Cruz de la Luna production. Limary Ruiz Aponte as MEDIUM/AGUADORA, Omar Iloy as UNKNOWN SOLDIER 1/AGUADOR, Alejandra Maldonado as CUERPO SEGUNDO/CONGREGATION MEMBER, Geoffrey Lasalle as PRIMER CUERPO.