Andrée Solé
Hanover, NH
Playwright and author. Recent works: “Rap” bringing Rapunzel to modern day, “Who’s In Charge Here?” on AI.


by Andree Solé

A one act play that brings Rapunzel into the modern world as a Senior year high school girl who is a TikTok rap sensation. Her guardian has mental health issues, hence Rap has never left the house. Her prince arrives in the form of a Domino’s pizza delivery college student. Includes four original raps.

Rap - young black woman Jamal - young black man Danielle - older middle aged white woman
by Andree Sole

A 10 minute play exploring the role of AI in a family’s household in the (not too) distant future.

Mackenzie - AI - any age, race - played with a cardboard box on head. Angela - mother Brant - father Reese - teenager Schuyler - child 10-12 yo