The Violin Maker

For 300 years, the Mosel family has handcrafted violins of the highest quality. Now Karl Mosel, the last and only son, struggles after his father’s death to decide whether to continue the family legacy or let it go. His elderly grandfather, Wilhelm, convinces Karl to work with him over the summer and attempt to make a violin as homage to his father. Karl is soon joined in the shop by Angela Brunelle, a surprise summer intern. As they repair violins and learn the craft under Wilhelm’s guidance, they also find ways to mend their damaged lives.

2022 Semifinalist Blue Ink Playwriting Award

2020-21  Finalist Playhouse on the Square NewWorks @ The Works
Stage reading

2016 Finalist Dayton Playhouse FutureFest stage reading

2015 Semifinalist Eugene O'Neill National Playwrights Conference


2 M 1F
Christopher G. Smith