
"Unlanded" is a danceplay -- the script for a stagework that is as much contemporary art performance as it is dance theater as it is spoken theater.  The Synopsis paragraph that precedes the script provides more information about the devised and cross art-form dimensions of this play.  This script is the enabling, conceptual infrastructure for a fluid, fable-like spectacle that fills a large stage with movement and color, pageantry and mystery, and drumming and poetry.  This play could be of particular interest to college and university performing arts programs looking for new works that require large casts and call for challenging, fusional collaboration among directors and choreographers, actors and dancers, and sound, set, costume and movement designers.  This script is the starting point for a kaleidoscopic stagework of devised theater.

"Unlanded" is a choric/group playwork; its cast is a diverse, numerous, multi-generational chorus line.
Will Owen