The Surprise of Love

Is it possible to trust in love again after your heart has been broken? Marivaux answers this question in his comedy of 1727, given fresh life in this sparkling new adaptation by Terry Glaser. Flaminia, newly widowed and in mourning, and Dorante, abandoned by his lover who chose a convent over marriage, have both sworn to never love again. They find a common bond through their shared experience of loss, but when their friendship threatens to overstep its bounds and turn to love, romantic chaos ensues. It’s all complicated by the bumbling attempts of their servants to bring the two together, and obstructed by the passionate Eraste, who has designs on Flaminia, himself. Throw in the resident philosopher Hortensius, who manages to confuse things even more, and you have all the ingredients for a light-hearted yet touching exploration of love lost and unexpectedly found.

Flaminia, Madame the Marquise: A young, widowed noblewoman. Lisette: Maid to Flaminia. Dubois: Valet to Dorante. Hortensius: An academician. Dorante, Monsieur the Chevalier: A noble gentleman. Eraste, Monsieur the Count: A noble gentleman.
Terry Glaser (adaptation of Marivaux's "La Surprise de l'amour")