So Do We All (First Sequence)

"So Do We All (First Sequence)"...Fiordiligi, Dorabella, and Despina re-imagined for the pixelscreen performance space today... "So Do We All" a multi-episode, concatenation of scenelet sequences for the "zoom space." Each scenelet's running time should be about five minutes -- better, less than five minutes. This playwork, though similar to a stage play, is primarily intended for the digital performance space of our screen devices. It's apt for wide-rangingly devised setting, direction, casting, performance (and rehearsal and recording). A key goal is to put traditional stage-acting skills, most particularly verse-speaking skills, to use in a contemporary work adaptable to the "pixelspace" of our social media apps and conferencing/collaboration software. We're all in the middle of an explosion of art-making with, and for, our phones; creative teams are encouraged -- using the dialogue to maintain continuity -- to set and "look" the different scenelets variously and inventively, while still pursuing, primarily through play-personage consistency, their particular interpretation of the play.

3 F (25 -45)
Will Owen