The Red Sweater

A Catholic priest in need of love wrestles with belief and doubt. His journey – both guided and misguided by family, work, church, and self - ultimately inspires a leap of faith beyond the bounds of conventional religion and in to the passionate embrace of a bigger God.

Michel (10-58): A Catholic priest in search of love. Greg (26-50): Michel’s activist friend, a lover. Mimi (41-89): Michel’s aunt and godmother, a doubter. Gerard (41-89): Michel’s father, a “true” believer. Marie (43-90): Michel’s dutiful, protective mother. Lucie (8-44): Michel’s rule-breaking, playful sister. Pierre (36-69): Michel’s uncle, a priest. Louis (10-47): Michel’s childhood friend, a priest. Sex Drive (20-40): Michel’s insufferable itch.
J. Lynn Jackson