Petey's Parade

The play looks at extraordinary people dealing with extraordinary times, times of extreme political and social change and peril. Petey Lee is the arrogant and selfish leading actor of a hugely successful comedy radio program in 1933 Berlin, who has to deal with the attacks on his freedom and his show along with his long-time cast and writers, including his brother. The play then takes all of them to 1947 New York, where they deal with the repercussions of their European political resistance, and the Blacklist. Both funny and serious, it shows the courage and humanity needed to create art and survive in treacherous times, and how heroes and heroines are often the most flawed of people.

4m, 1f: PETEY LEE, mid30s in Act One, early 50s in Act Two. A radio comedian known all over Europe, later a radio performer in America. BERT, Petey’s head writer and longtime acting partner, able to produce many different vocal characters and accents. FRANKIE, Petey’s brother, a writer and actor. DON, Petey’s long time announcer and associate. ELISABETH, an actress on Petey’s shows.
Jerry Slaff