The Legend(s) of Sleepy Hollow

The story of Ichabod Crane is well known - the schoolteacher falls for the blooming lass Katrina Van Tassel, and he would have won her heart too, had he not been run out of town by the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. But what really happened on the faithful night in the woods, and what is the true story behind Brom Bones' knowing looks? This new adaptation of the classic ghost story tells Washington Irving's tale as it is widely known in act one, but then follows up with the REAL story of Ichabod and the Horseman as retold by Gunpowder, Ichabod Crane's faithful horse.

Ichabod Crane (M) - a Connecticut Schoolmaster, Katrina Van Tassel (F) - a fair damsel, a bit of a coquette, Baltrus Van Tassel (M) - Katrina’s father, a wealthy farmer Brom Bones (M) - the self-proclaimed hero of the country round, School Boy (M) - a kid with a secret, Servant (M/F) - a wise and loyal bodyguard, Messenger (M/F) - a cranky deliverer of news, Gunpowder (M/F) - Ichabod Crane’s horse
Jonathan Josephson, adapted from "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving