Synopsis:  The artist Kolya sits like Buddha on the floor of his one room apartment staring at a blank canvas.  After three months of indolence and procrastination, he has only 48 hours to complete a $30,000 commission.  Meanwhile, the phone is ringing day and night and the answering machine is busy taking the calls--- an angry girlfriend, a furious gallery owner, two sisters, Mama, a bill collector,  a share cropper calling from heaven singing an old spiritual, and the French theorist Claude Levi Strauss calling to deliver a lecture on reproduction.  All are competing with the canvas for Kolya’s attention.  The centered life that has been standing still is suddenly swirling in chaos.  In two days, the dialectic of Kolya’s existence will crash into   something he never expected.


Cast: Kolya (Koly) - 33-year-old artist named after Anton Chekhov’s brother Puerto Rican Girl #1 Puerto Rican Girl #2 Elizabeth- Kolya’s girlfriend Dina- Kolya’s older sister Child’s voice (voice only)-Dina’s child Sasha- Kolya’s baby sister Mama- Kolya’s mom Bella- gallery owner, Kolya’s representative Nancy- Bella’s assistant The Chorister (voice only)- an old sharecropper from 100 years past is calling from heaven Claude Levi-Strauss (voice only)- calling from the other world to deliver a lecture on procreation Bill Collector (voice only) The Client - older well-dressed lady
Fonde Taylor