The Karma Bums

An aging, down-and-out, one-time-Oscar-nominated Diva inherits a New Age business from her Wiccan aunt and proceeds to wreak havoic on the pack of metaphysical misfits who run the joint,  It's the classic fish-out-of water story,  or Monster-in-the-house story with Cathy Cloony-Colucci, a larger-than-life material girl, scheming her way through an over-the-top-spiritual world.

I strongly encourage diversity in casting. Cathy Cloony-Colucci, a woman in her late 40s Destiny, a woman in her early 40s. Doc, a man in his late 40's. Bobbi, a woman in her late 20s. Dick, a man in his late 20s. RIta, an 80-years-young woman.
Cindi Sansone-Braff