Ion, adapted from Euripides

Queen Creusa of Athens has long harbored a dark secret: As a girl, she was sexually assaulted by the God Apollo, and the encounter left her pregnant. In desperation, she kept the pregnancy and birth of a son concealed and left him exposed and meant to die in the very cave where she was violated.


Many years later, Creusa and her husband have traveled to Apollo's temple at Delphi to seek council with his oracle. There she meets a young priest who was brought to the temple as a baby under mysterious circumstances and seems to have a connection to the god. Creusa and the young priest find themselves at odds and in danger of harming each other, unaware that they share a deep connection.


This translation is crafted in rhymed verse to create a close approximation of the rhythms and poetry of the original Greek text.

8 W 4 M Plus an opportunity to use many additional women in the chorus.
Brian Vinero, adapted from Euripides