Hand Through the Veil

Renowned author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has spent years in pursuit of contact with the other side. Famed magician Harry Houdini has been on a parallel journey--to debunk the very notion. With the help of the brash and unpredictable medium Mina Crandon, the two come to the table for one final seance. The baggage all three bring with them results in a chaotic and strange experience that none will ever forget. In an era when society’s relationship to truth and evidence was rapidly evolving, what does it mean to ask for one--or receive one?

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Author: Male, 60s Harry Houdini: Magician/Escape Artist: Any gender, 40s-early 50s Mina Crandon: Purported Medium-Female, 30s
Sean Coe