The Giant and The Pixie

A pixie. A salesman. A magician. A janitor…not your typical shopping mall.

The Giant and the Pixie is a contemporary fairy tale set simultaneously in a magical realm and a shopping mall. The story centers on Arthur – a conscientious Giant who works by day as a janitor – trying to win the heart of Cipriana, a Pixie who also works in the mall. Sebastian – the hotheaded Knight – is not happy with this and wants to get rid of Arthur, but Arthur’s homeless buddy Gregory (the “Troll with a soul”) won’t have anything of it. All the while Cipriana’s father, the Magician, watches from a distance with an agenda of his own.

Arthur (30s/40s): a janitor. Sweet, gentle, secretive. Cipriana (20s/30s): a store manager. Fiery, enthusiastic. The Boss (50s/60s): the head of the store. Calm, wise. Gregory (30s/40s): a homeless man. Entertaining, sly. Sebastian (30s): works in the store. Smooth, intense.
Jonathan Josephson