The Fall of the House of Usher

An adaptation of Poe's mysterious and fantastic short story -- mad, reclusive Roderick Usher, obsessed with this twin sister Madeline, lures his oldest friend, William, to visit him in his haunted mansion (played by four dancers). William falls in love with Madeline and attempts to free both brother and sister from their tortuous bond.

Produced by The Invisible Theatre in NYC

"The Invisible Theatre Company’s adaptation of the classic tale is strikingly fresh, thanks to playwright Linda Manning’s bold vision.... Manning had a dynamic presence .... Deftly handling the madness that lies at the heart of Poe’s tale, Manning oscillated from a petulant little girl, to a proper young lady, to a disturbing sexual force.... The amount of humor that Manning has incorporated into the script, without compromising its horror, is one of its greatest accomplishments.” 
The Off-Off-Broadway Review
New York, NY 

Derek Stearns as William Hawken, Michael Pinney as Roderick Usher, Linda Manning as Madeline Usher, and Heather Ahern, Peter Bramante, Donna Meierdiercks. and Cathy Nicoli as the House
Linda Manning