Everyone Calls Her Grace

A play-within-a-play about Grace O'Malley, AKA Grainne Ni Mhaille, AKA Grainne Mhaol, AKA Granuaile, AKA the Irish Pirate Queen, AKA the Bald One, AKA the Sea Queen of Connacht...

Three actors, each assigned to play the pirate, attempt to tell her story under the watch of their overbearing male director, and despite a contradictory history written by her colonizers. But as the lines between themselves and "Grace" begin to blur, they begin to wonder why they want to be her, whether she was real in the first place, and which of them gets to decide. 

Everyone Calls Her Grace explores the construction of narrative — literal, societal, historical — and the shadow or beacon the legacies of historical women can leave behind. 

Grainne - grahn-yuh - Nonbinary POC. When they were a kid, they were the one to ask the teacher if they could have class outside. Granuaile - grahn-you-ale - Woman. POC. Older than Grace and Grainne. An actor, like professionally. (Like, Professionally.) Grace - grayce - Woman. White or white-passing. An aspiring actress and well-meaning #girlboss. Director - Man. White. Any age. The guy in charge. Maeve - Woman or Nonbinary person. Any race. A student. They didn’t write her a character description because they "just don’t know a lot about her.” John - Man. Any race. Any age. Doesn’t totally get this play, but he’s along for the ride.
Ozzy Wagner