This play addresses the issue of bullying through the eyes of the character known as the Big Bad Wolf. Yes, it appears that Dastardly Devon did blow two of the Three Little Pigs houses to smithereens, but you need to hear his side of the story. Comedy. 30 minutes.

BLAIR: The thoughtful pig, from the Three Little Pigs story. CHARLES: The dramatic, fashionista pig, from the Three Little Pigs story. MATEO: The practical pig, from the Three Little Pigs story. JACK: Nimble and quick. Loves to jump over things. JORDY: A pumpkin farmer. He appears dirty and smelly from falling on a trout.. LILLIAN: A kind-hearted older woman who does childcare. DASTARDLY DEVON: The presumed Big Bad Wolf. He’s lonely and discouraged. FANG, CLAWS and HOWLER: Three menacing wolves.
Deb Meyer