
Elderberry Senior Living Center is preparing to celebrate the 100th birthday of a beloved resident during a dedication ceremony for its new residential wing. The local newspaper is covering the event, but the reporter assigned to the story is not having a good day. Neither is the centenarian birthday girl, who would much rather spend her time listening to her favorite opera, Wagner's Tristan and Isolde.  Meanwhile, the center's unyielding communications director is determined to put on a show for the press.
There will be spectacle, but not the kind she expects.  

Ms. Stacey Bennett, Director of Communications at Elderberry Senior Living Center, sticky sweet on the outside, impervious as hard candy on the inside, mid-40s; Gina Primavera, straight-shooting reporter for the local county daily who is direct, impatient, and not in a “good place” at the moment, mid-30s; Mrs. Dietrich, a sharp-witted, no-nonsense resident o Elderberry Senior Living. She is determined to celebrate her 100th birthday in her own special way.