
Four female family members gather in the kitchen of a shared multi-family home in the Bronx on a hot August Sunday evening in 1980. Banal discussions about the weather and earlier dinner preparations soon turn into an examination of the lifestyle and marriage prospects of a fifth female family member who is no longer present and has returned to her Manhattan apartment. There is disagreement among the women as to what is best for her as she approaches her 30s. What ensues is an examination of faith, morality, women’s roles in the family, the decisions they make, and a nagging secret one of them holds.

Run time: 75 minutes

Annie Whelan -- 58 year old female of Irish birth. Mother to Cathy, older sister to Aunt Meg. Opinionated and unwavering matriarch of the family. Aunt Meg -- 49 year old female of Irish birth. Younger sister to Annie Whelan. Quick-witted with a more modern approach to life. Nana Dugan -- 62-64 year old female of Irish birth. Mother-in-law to Cathy. Prone to saying whatever is on her mind and her stream-of-conscience utterances come when least helpful, though she is given to poignant moments when they count most. Cathy -- 31 year old female of American birth. Daughter of Annie Whelan, niece to Aunt Meg. Straddles between 1950s version of the model housewife and a more modern point of view. Mediator between her mother and aunt.