BUTTERFLY'S CHILD: A Tragedy in One Act

Previous versions of Madame Butterfly end with Butterfly’s suicide and her son’s abduction by the Pinkerton’s, who whisk him away to America. But what of her son? Does he eventually learn the circumstances of his mother’s death? If so, how does he respond? And if his response is to repudiate his parents and country, what manner of life does he adopt? And if the path he chooses leads to a tragic outcome? These are the questions addressed in BUTTERFLY'S CHILD.

BENJAMIN PINKERTON, a Lieutenant in the US Navy KATE PINKERTON, Pinkerton’s wife MATTHEW PINKERTON, aka SORROW, aka VICE CONSUL KANASHIMI OKUDA, Pinkerton’s son by Madame Butterfly SHARPLESS, US Consul in Nagasaki and friend of Pinkerton SHINA, a young Japanese woman GORO, a Japanese tough SUZUKI, Butterfly’s maid YOSHIKAWA, a Japanese spy in Hawaii Actor requirements: One male actor can play Sharpless, Goro, and Yoshikawa. One female actor can play Suzuki and Shina. Aide (one line) can be played by Pinkerton or stage manager. Butterfly’s voice is heard off-stage in Scene 6 and can be read by Kate. Total actors required = 2 females and 3 males.
Ralph Protsik