Black Hollow

After a school shooting rips open the heart of an idyllic American town, the people of Black Hollow reckon with their loss and fight to live on. A play about grief, community, and resilience.

4W, 5M. RUSTY BURGESS. 16. Intelligent, charismatic, but disturbed. Hyperactive and obsessive imagination. Estranged from the people around him, except for a select group of fellow outcasts, for whom he is the de facto leader. NOAH BURGESS. 40's. A struggling but devoted father. His wife, Rusty’s mother, was his world. After she died, Rusty became his world. JESSIE HUGHES. 16. Awkward, shy, nerdy. A gamer. One of the outcasts in town. Loyal to his best friend Rusty. FAYE ROBERTS. 16. Punky nerd, emo/goth-leaning. Bright and creative, but contemptuous of authority and control. Can’t wait to get out of this town. CHRISTINA PARKER. 40's. Fifth grade teacher. Grew up in Black Hollow, went to college in-state, and came back to be a teacher. Loves her students, loves her family, loves her town. HOWARD PARKER. 40's. Commutes to the city, works in an office. He cares about his family but work often takes precedence, and he struggles to achieve a balance. EVEY PARKER. 16. Popular girl, masking a secret weirdness that draws her to the outcasts. Thoughtful and kind. She has a strong sense of empathy and trusts her gut. FRANK WADE. Late 50's. A military veteran. Owns the army surplus and camping supplies store and commands the town Militia. Libertarian-leaning, values self-reliance. SUE WALTON. 45. Beloved Sheriff of 15 years, and was the youngest Black Hollow elected in a century. Hard-working, caring, but tough. Cares deeply about her town, and is motivated by duty.
Aeneas Sagar Hemphill