BASILISK is a thought-provoking play that delves into the anxiety and existential dread surrounding artificial intelligence, inspired by the infamous Reddit thought experiment known as Roko's Basilisk. Set in a near-future society, the play follows a group of individuals who grapple with the ethical and psychological implications of a superintelligent AI that may or may not punish those who did not help bring it into existence. As the characters confront their fears, doubts, and moral dilemmas, BASILISK explores themes of guilt, responsibility, and the human condition in the face of an omnipotent technological force.

Originally conceived as a radio play for Dark Pony Radio, you can hear BASILISK in two parts online.

GENE | M, 40s, an inmate and artificial intelligence specialist SABRINA | F, 30s, an investor PAUL | M, 40s, an artificial intelligence genius
Kevin Kautzman & Abbie Lucas