Two families live in the same house, but during two time periods, 1971 and 2020. The current chaos of the world shakes up the earth, which allows the house to become a portal catapulting the two families back and forth through time. The hope is that they will learn from each other and take those lessons back to their respective time period. The play urges us to learn from history instead of repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Hank Cooper WWII vet & tire salesman 44 Male Judy Cooper Housewife trying to break out 40 Female Billy Cooper High school senior ready to leave 18 Male Penny Cooper All things counter culture 16 Female Michael Anderson Stressed out investment banker 50 Male Diane Anderson Psychiatrist who can't cope with 46 Female her own family Chase Anderson Angry young man 18 Male Sophia Anderson Depressed artist 16 Female Dorothy Penny's friend, played by actress who plays Sophia Susan Judy's neighbor, played by actress who plays Diana Joe Hank's employee, played by actor who plays Michael Liz Diane's friend, played by actress who plays Judy Manny High school kid, played by actor who plays Billy Karl Diane's client, played by actor who plays Hank
Lynn Grant Beck