30 Seconds

Max is a precocious kid, overachieving and a little anxious, sure, but mostly well adjusted. She’s got a lot going on, but she’s on top of it. Adult supervision not required. Besides, it’s 1999, what could go wrong?

Dr. C is a child psychologist recently dubbed the ‘child whisperer;’ her professional life is on a steady upward trajectory. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for her personal life.  Enter Max.

When Max starts receiving threatening notes at school, she embarks on a hunt for the culprit in this pre-Y2K whodunit that what asks us what it means to be a kid in a chaotic world, and leaves us wondering if we’ve been looking in the wrong place all along. Just let your eyes adjust, and you’ll see what you’ve been missing take shape.

Max - 13, female, smart, over-achieving, anxious, tells stories, often acts like an adult, non-white Obie - 13, male, an artist, sensitive, non-white Jackie - 13, female, a pawn of the mean girls Nick - 13, male, an overcompensating bully Luke - 17, Max's brother, non-white Christine - 30's, female, actress Principal Canuto - 50's, nun Mom - 40's, Max's mom, non-white Dad - 40's, Max's dad Dr. C - 30's, a child psychologist, non-white Summer - Dr. C's ex Coach McGlynn - 40's, Max's basketball coach Director - 30's, director of a film Max is cast in Obie's Mom - 40's, Obie's mom, trying to make ends meet Obie's Stepdad - 40's, angry Bill - Bartender Race is open unless otherwise specified. All roles except that of Max, Dr. C, and Obie will be doubled as follows: Actor 1: Nick/Luke/Director Actor 2: Dad/Obie's Stepdad/Bill/Coach Actor 3: Jackie/Principal Canuto/Obie's Mom Actor 4: Mom/Christine/Summer
Jayne Deely