Grace, Sponsored by Monteverde

Catherine has just divorced Sebastian, but her spirits are fiercer than ever. She decides to travel throughout the United States with her new lover and colleague, Lewis. They are a kind of 21st century Lewis and Clark (Lewis and Catherine) trying to uncover stories in each of the fifty states. Along the way, they pick up a wayward nun named Rosalie, who has just gone through deep loss. They meet a teenaged girl named Blake, and rummage through the layers of migration that make up America – all sponsored by a rum named Monteverde.

Catherine, 30s, a reporter. Tough but funny. An adventurer; clever. A feminist. Lewis, late 30s, a photo-journalist. Cool. More than meets the eye. Also clever. Sebastian, late 30s/early 40s. Strangely charming though blunt. Says what he thinks. Seemingly autistic, at times. Rosalie, 30s, a nun/ex-nun. Cute, caring, searching. Sharp, but sensitive. Seemingly naïve, but also wise in some ways. Blake, 16. A home-schooled teen who has just lost her father to a divorce. She’s also searching, like all teenage girls.