Mara, Queen of the World

Play Synopsis: When an ethereal light greets Mara, an enslaved Black woman on a plantation in 1832 Alabama, she learns the role she will play in a prophecy about a Warlock, a hummingbird, and the bones of West Africans who jumped from slave ships during the Middle Passage. A powerful story of personal and spiritual transformation with roots in Black past, present, and future. The actors in the play are Black, and they play all the characters in the piece. In doing so, the performers and audience experience a narrative born of America’s dark past in a way that center Black healing. Script available upon request.   


Mainly a cabin, a plantation, and the woods in 1832 Alabama. A bedroom in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Minimalism and representation encouraged.


1832.  2023. 2043.

Genre: Drama

Length: 90 minutes to two hours

Age Appropriateness: 13+

Requires five Black actors.
Rebecca Nichloson