October 1st through 31st
Anywhere you like to read


Here at the Playwrights' Center, we choose to assume good intent among our members and their work. Yet, we also want to provide a space that allows for constructive feedback from various identities, backgrounds, and experiences. Sometimes, a piece of writing can be unintentionally triggering for a variety of reasons. If you find yourself uncomfortable at any moment, don't feel pressured to continue reading. If you read a play description and are unsure whether it's right for you, please email Alayna Jacqueline Barnes,, for further information—including spoilers if that's what you need.


LA POTENCIA by Mel Nieves

An aging light middleweight fighter after a devastating knock-out at the hands of a  much younger fighter must come to terms with the realization that she has come to the end of the only kind of life skill she’s ever known, but her long-time manager might have other plans for her future; to squeeze out one more fight to pay off a life-threatening debt.

Is this script right for you?
This play includes intense scenes describing a brutal boxing match, and some foul language.

*If you have further questions about the script's content to help decide whether this session is right for you, please reach out to me.

MURPHY LIVES by Tom Cocklin 

Murphy, the renowned prankster from the immortal world, pulls one stunt too many on his mortal victims and is banished to their realm by his older sister, Karma. While Murphy struggles with his fate, his immortal sisters and his apartment-dwelling companions try to find the key to ending his punishment.

*If you have further questions about the script's content to help decide whether this session is right for you, please reach out to me.

CREATION MYTH by Taft I Montana

After more than 30 years of marriage, Wanda’s and Larry’s creativity and growth are giving way to the unavoidable diminution of body and mind. The high achieving near septuagenarian Prestajockameres take their final shot at a future they hope will impede the inevitable by deciding to build a house.

Is this script right for you?
This play includes descriptions and discussion surrounding medical practices and death.

I GOT IT FROM TOM (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tom) by Gary Davis

An elderly gentleman is institutionalized for nefarious reasons, but it turns out he may be a little crazy after all with the strange capacity to draw the other patients, and even the staff, into his delusions. This musical is an homage to Tom Lehrer, who recently put his catalog into the public domain, and to the stage and movie musicals of his time that so inspired his work.

Is this script right for you?
This play is dark satire and includes sacrilegious humor, references to bondage, and mental institutionalizations.

TEXT: Script Club in front of a a picture of stacked scripts with blue and purple filter covering the page