MEMBER OPEN PLAY: November 27th

Monday, November 27th @ 6:30PM CT - 8:30PM CT
via Zoom


RAIN, RAIN by Allen Fowler

Rain, Rain portrays a woman's attempt to demolish her past and summon an utterly new reality. Jossie is a Sisyphus character; yet she is not condemned to repeat an impossible task by any external judge(s) but by her belief in the power of her own will.

Is this Member Open Play session right for you?
This play includes the portrayal of someone experiencing mental health challenges, and references to assault, suicide, and murder.

*If you have further questions about the script's content to help decide whether this session is right for you, please reach out to our Membership Programs Manager, Alayna Jacqueline Barnes, at

TEXT: Member Open Play in front of a red/purple bubble background