Phillie's Trilogy

Growing up gay in the “fabulous” 70s was no picnic for the precocious Phillie McDougal. Through nuns, priests, bullying classmates, parents – and years later the realization his best friend may not be the person he thought she was – he lived to tell the tales, with results no one bargained for. Including him.

Philip McDougal* A writer coping with loss M 49/57 Veronica McDougal* Philip's mother; a frustrated '70s housewife F 52/54 Barbara Quigley* Philip's childhood friend; coping with divorce F 49/57 Grace Bradley Barbara's mother; coping with memory loss F 76 Phillie McDougal Philip as a child; precocious, mouthy, insecure M 12/14 Barbie Bradley Barbara as a child; smart, overweight F 12/14 Keith Quigley* Phillie and Barbie's friend; nice kid M 12/14 Jude Quigley* Barbara and Keith's son: angry, troubled M 14 Younger Grace* Veronica's best friend; possibly pregnant F 39 Pete McDougal* Phillie's father; no-nonsense ad exec M 55 Sheila Roth* Philip's no nonsense agent, a "broad" F 60/68 * Doubling: Philip/Pete Veronica/Sheila Younger Grace/Barbara Keith/Jude
Doug DeVita

Phillie’s Trilogy