OK Sierra

Sierra is a computer-based aide installed directly inside Davin's brain. He knows that she helps him with nearly every aspect of his daily life. He doesn't know that she is sentient and self-aware. As Davin's life continues to spiral beyond his control, Sierra becomes more assertive in an attempt to keep them both alive and well. They will both learn that there is not enough space in one body for two fully-actualized souls.

MAIN CHARACTERS (REQUIRED) DAVIN: A financial trader whose life has been in disarray over the last several years SIERRA & SONYA: Davin’s AIde – a digital assistant that lives inside his brain LOREN: Davin’s manager at the trading firm RODERICK: One of Davin’s good friends and a colleague on his team at the trading firm SKYA: A woman that Davin begins dating SHANNON: An installation technician for Integrated Intelligence MINOR CHARACTERS (DOUBLING POSSIBLE) NOVIA: Roderick’s AIde LEON: Loren’s AIde MAX: Skya’s AIde WAITER: Present during Act Three, Scene One
Adam Nathaniel Davis