Marvin González De León's PAN GENESIS

Marvin González De León
Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 2:30pm
Playwrights' Center

Marvin González De León's PAN GENESIS

Director: Ricky Araiza

Featuring: Cristina Castro, Nathan Keepers*, Juan Rivera Lebron*, Stephanie Ruas, Pedro Juan Fonseca


Pan Genesis, a new play by Marvin González De León, is a work of Darwinian Feminism influenced by Point Break and sprinkled with a John Leguizamo sensibility. It’s actually more like Dances with Wolves, because it follows a tribe of female-dominated, peaceful bonobos who take in a chimpanzee from a male-dominated, aggressive tribe. On one hand a drama about apes with conflicting world views, Pan Genesis is also a wacky comedy that explores gender-politics, female sexuality, sexual fluidity, violence, aggression, our capacity for cooperation, and our relationship with nature. This play strips humanity down to our most essential elements so we can examine our own capacity for self-interested destruction vs. our capacity for care and cooperation; and asks which will define our future. 

Class type: 
In-person (MSP)